Tidying Up Your Mental Clutter

Tidying Up Your Mental Clutter – Ways to De-Clutter Your Mind

Tidying up your mental clutter – Ways to de-clutter your mind so that you can draw happiness closer to yourself.

Make Your Peace With the Problem

When you encounter a negative situation, the first thing that you should do is accept it for what it is. This will not only help you get to the solution faster but will also keep your mind at peace. After all, to solve a problem effectively, we have to hold a different mindset than the one that created it. Acceptance helps us detach emotionally from the problem and enables us to analyze it rationally. If we deny the situation, we are only prolonging the condition and not doing ourselves any favors. Pushing the problem away only makes it worse in the long run.

Build The Connection First and Look for Attraction Later

Always do what you can to appreciate life instead of complaining about it. If you want good things to be attracted to you, then you should be connected to the good side of yourself. Learn to appreciate the good things in life even when negativity threatens. When you appreciate things, you give off a more energetic vibe to your surroundings. Therefore, it raises your vibration and makes you more energetic in turn. It will also help attract and manifest even more good things. Try to appreciate things in your heart, but don’t feel you need to be verbal about it. Being appreciative saves you from resentment and other negative emotions. By maintaining a state of constant gratitude and contentment, you automatically attract more positivity to yourself.

Do Not Confuse Happiness with Pleasure

Learn to feel pleasure in the present moment. Experience pleasure in sensory sounds and dim lights. Happiness should be a by-product when you think of such things. You can only feel pleasure directly by your senses, whereas happiness is the reaction that comes afterward. You should be more focused on having present moment experiences rather than thinking of things that (potentially) make you happy. Pleasure always comes before happiness.

Stay Connected to Your Consciousness

Always have a “personalized” way of staying connected to your true inner self. There are different ways to do that, including meditation, prayer, and soothing music. Some people are subconsciously attracted to water, trees, and nature in general. Why do you think this is so? This is because, on some level, we are all a part of Mother Nature, and we are conscious about it. There is an undeniable omnipresent intelligence out there operating at a much higher level of consciousness than we are. We might feel disconnected sometimes, but you cannot stay disconnected for long. We are attracted to the Absolute Being so much because we understand that this is what we are meant to be, we want to feel the raw energy and pure unconditional love. And by simply being aware of it, we tend to feel pretty good about ourselves.

Learn to Stay in The Present

We only can unleash the full potential of our minds when we are in the present moment. A good way to connect with your past or your future self is to channel the energy that you have right now in the present. Whatever we are focusing our attention on, is where energy is flowing to.

We are constantly thinking about the things we want and about all the things we don’t have. We are always placing our happiness on the future “what ifs” scenarios: “If I only have this,” or “If I had that.” Worst of all is when we start to compare ourselves with our friends and neighbors, wanting the same things they have just to impress people we don’t even know. Desires are not bad at all, we always should be encouraged in wanting something and never be deprived of anything in life. But, if you feel that you aren’t getting what it is that you deserve, you slowly transition into a negative state of mind – which is always related to your past. However, if you keep your momentum flowing, being your true self and expressing gratitude for all the blessings in your life, you are simultaneously making a strong emotional connection with the unlimited abundance that the Universe has to offer. This higher frequency level of emotional alignment triggers positive feelings, which are essential keys to manifesting what you want in your life.

But the question is: how can we stay in the present in everyday life? The answer is we have to change the way we think and develop new habits in order to reprogram our minds.

Living in the future only brings us anxiety and worry, and living in the past only serves as an obstacle to having a life free of negativity. Either way, it prevents us from experiencing a pleasant and meaningful present moment that is right here in front of us at this very moment. Why not embrace it?

You Can’t Please Everyone, but you Can Please Yourself

You need to fully accept the fact that you will never be able to make everyone else happy all the time. You need to love yourself so that others can love you. If you have little love flowing through you, then how can you share it with others? Sharing your positive or negative energy with others when your cup is half empty is like inviting emotional poorhouse. If you want to be of help to others, then you need to help yourself first. Please yourself, and you will have the energy to please others as well.

It is very easy to spot a fake compliment or gesture when you do not have enough self-love backing you up. They are distasteful and will serve you no purpose in life. Separating the ego mind from your true self will set you free.

It’s totally okay to be selfish in a positive way when you are lining your intentions. Being self-centered can be a good virtue because you need to be thriving in yourself to help others. If you do not love yourself fully and wholeheartedly, you cannot overflow positivity to others when they need it. It is fundamental to limit yourself to fulfilling your own responsibilities in your mental capacity. You need to put yourself first because there is no one else to do so.

Your Accomplishments Do Not Define Your Worth

What you do, what you achieve, and what your accomplishments are, are not a scale of your worth. Your faith and ideas or your material possessions do not define your worth. They are only the baggage that you carry with yourself. They have nothing to do with your spirit. To feel good, you need to let go of your ego and think freely. This attitude will take you to places in life that you would not even dream of otherwise.

It’s Not About the Destination but the Journey

Take joy in the process of getting to an end goal. If we keep controlling everything up to the exact result we’re aiming for; our vision gets very narrow. An analogy to this would be a horse wearing blinders. When we have a narrow vision, we can’t see the unlimited abundant possibilities of the Universe because they will be out of our radar. Going with the flow and opening ourselves to new possibilities gives us a chance to embrace a life greater than we would get otherwise. Shifting your mindset will help you to realize that it is not about reaching the goal, but the work towards making it happen itself.

This world of duality with good and evil, likes vs dislikes can be misleading, but it can help us to focus only on the things that truly add value in our lives while disregarding all the other things.

Always remember that all the important life lessons are learned along the way, so enjoy your journey!

To conclude, how should we block the stress and simultaneously pull the greater good towards ourselves? Simply change your thought process! Changing a lifestyle is indeed very hard. But always remember: If you think positively, you’ll create positivity around you in your life. The first step is to accept that you need to change and then to decide what you want to change. Once you do that, you can then try out different techniques that suit you best and stick to it for a while. There are so many methods out there that can help you cope with life’s changes and transitions. A few of them include:

Reiki: It is also called energy healing. It is a gentle, Japanese technique for relieving stress and balancing the mind, body, and spirit.

Meditation: A meditative tipping-point is when your body and mind are in a state of complete relaxation. People who practice meditation are also more positive towards life.

Visualization: To picture something in your mind is to be able to visualize it. It is like daydreaming. This helps in awakening good feelings and filling your brain with positive energy.

Mindfulness: It is a state of mind that is optimized by being aware of the present moment. Maintaining the momentum by focusing on feelings, body sensations, and thoughts of oneself.

Positive affirmation: These are positive (everyday) statements that help you become your best self by eliminating negative thoughts by conditioning your subconscious mind with “positivity.”

It doesn’t matter what method or combination of practices you go for, as long as you always have your goal set in life. Implement these in your everyday routine. You will see the changes slowly but surely. When all your negative habits and thoughts have been blocked, you will experience a new self. It will be effortless then to be in a constant state of positivity, as the Universe will conspire with you to fulfill your passion just like you always dreamed. Positivity and an emotional clarity will get you to where you want to go.


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