ten helpful ways to banish negative thoughts - by in-reiki

Break the Cycle of Negative Thinking

Ten Helpful Ways to Banish Negative Thoughts

Negative thoughts may be seen by some as just being annoying, however, in some cases they can be dangerous to a person’s health. They are definitely not good for the body-mind-soul connection and can truly ruin someone’s life if they are not under control.

Here are 10 helpful ways to banish negative thoughts:

∙ Practice mindfulness through meditation

Mindfulness in the form of meditation is one way you can fight off the negative thoughts. When using mindful meditation, you must learn to concentrate all your thinking and attention onto your breathing and empty you mind.  As you do this you will mentally throw out the negative thoughts and only allow positive ones to take their place. Being mindful and practicing mindfulness pushes out the bad thoughts so they can’t keep you down.

∙ Be responsible for your own actions 

Often people with negative thoughts are playing the “victim card”. They think “woe is me” constantly and try to get people to feel sorry for them. Their minds are full of negative things and they think they will never be happy and refuse to see how they could succeed in anything they do. But you must build a positive relationship with yourself to break free of playing the victim because it is not good for your physical or emotional health.

∙ Learn to forgive people 

It’s better to be compassionate and learn how to forgive those who have wronged you. If you don’t, hatred will fill your heart and poison your body-mind-soul relationship with yourself and your relationship with others. Let go of all the hurtful things that have plagued you in the past and learn to have a more positive attitude.

∙ Help someone less fortunate than you

One of the best ways to get rid of negative thoughts and spark good feelings is to help someone. If you help someone in need, whether it is to buy them some groceries, help them move, take care of their kids so they can go to work or bring them a meal when they are unwell, all these things will make you feel good inside. You can do things like volunteering at a homeless shelter, for an organization, at your kid’s school or teach a class for free and so on.

Ten Helpful Ways to Banish Negative Thoughts
Ten Helpful Ways to Banish Negative Thoughts – Image by In-Reiki

∙ Be around positive thinking people

If you are always around negative thinking people, then of course you are going to have lots of negative thoughts. Whatever we think that is what follows us. If you want to attract more positivity in your life, then you must choose to be around positive thinking people. This can mean cutting out toxic people or heavily restricting the time you spend with them. You will feel better for it.

∙ Get out into nature

It’s a proven fact that being in nature helps people to feel more positive. All you need to do is something as simple as taking a 20-minute stroll in the park, walk your dog, go for a picnic, etc. Anything that gets you out of the house is great! You can even do your mindfulness meditation during this timeframe to get two things done at the same time. Plus, walking is great for your physical health too!

∙ Eat nutritious and balanced meals

If you want to be able to think positive thoughts, then you must fill your body with good nutritious and balanced foods. If you only eat junk, then your body will get sluggish and tired and you won’t feel good at all. It’s almost impossible not to have negative thoughts if you aren’t feeling well! Stock up on things like lean meats, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, plus drink lots of fresh water. Some people find healthy eating easier if they prepare their food in batches, often referred to as ‘food prep’. This means that your meals just need to be reheated and you will be eating healthily throughout the week.

Put things into perspective

Everyone has bad days and nobody’s life is perfect all the time. That is just not realistic. Get used to telling yourself that if you had a bad day today, it likely is going to be a better day tomorrow. If you think positively then you will learn to get rid of those negative thoughts that creep into your mind and try to tell you every day is going to be bad or even get worse.

Learn to recognize the start of a negative thought

If you learn how to recognize a negative thought starting to creep into your mind, then you can learn how to stop it in its tracks. Perhaps you are merely hungry, thirsty, or tired? All those things can definitely cause someone to have negative thoughts. You can prevent this by carrying around a bottle of water and nutritious snacks like a granola bar or a piece of fruit. The natural sugars in the snack will also perk up your energy too.

Learn to let go

Finally, you really need to learn to let go of negative thoughts. Don’t let them ruin your life. Tell yourself that as soon as you wake up in the morning that you are going to be positive and those negative thoughts are going to bounce off you and leave your life forever. It may take a few days of doing this, as statistics show a habit takes a few weeks to form (and to break), but once you have done this your life will be better and so will your relationship with yourself and others.


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